You need to engage in sports to stay active and lead a healthy lifestyle. Undergoing orthodontic treatment should not deny you the freedom to engage in sports. However, it would be best to be more cautious about participating in sports activities. This article provides valuable tips on ensuring the safety of your orthodontic appliance.

Wear a Mouthguard

Wearing a mouth guard is the most effective way to protect your smile during sports. A mouth guard acts as a cushion helping absorb the impacts of any blows to your face or mouth. The mouthguards that are available in the market are stock mouthguards, boil-and-bite mouthguards, and custom-made mouthguards. You can request your orthodontist to provide you with custom-made mouthguards, as they are the best fit and protection for individuals with braces.

Be mindful of Contact sports

Contact sports, such as football, hockey, or basketball, pose a higher risk to people with braces. When engaging in these sports, you need to be more cautious. Be aware of the potential hazards and avoid unnecessary risks. Also, wear protective gear such as a helmet or a face shield.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Most sports drinks are sugary, and you should avoid them because they increase the risk of tooth decay and cavities. Instead, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Repair Damage Promptly

Even when you are careful, in sports, accidents can happen. If you damage your braces, seek prompt, professional assistance. Delaying repairs may lead to further complications; hence, you must contact your orthodontist immediately to schedule a repair appointment.

It will help if you protect your smile while engaging in sports. Consult your orthodontist before participating in any sports activity, and they can recommend the best precautions. Remember that a healthy smile is beautiful, and you must take all the necessary precautions to protect your teeth and braces on the field.

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