Braces come with all sorts of positive vibes. By wearing braces, you are on your way to straight, healthy, beautiful teeth. While you are wearing braces, there are some foods you need to avoid. Here is some information about foods you will need to avoid while you are wearing braces.

Why Do I Have to Avoid Food?

When you are wearing braces, you will have brackets and wires attached to them. While brackets and wires are tough and strong, you will still need to be careful. There are foods that will either break your brackets or wires or they will pull them off your teeth. This can result in additional trips to the dentist, a lengthened treatment time, and higher costs. By being careful about what you eat, you can make sure you finish your treatment as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Foods To Avoid

There are many foods that you should avoid while wearing braces. Popcorn, because of the kernels. If you are dying to eat popcorn, try kernel-less popcorn. Popcorn kernels can easily break brackets and wires.

If you want to eat apples, pears, and other “harder” fruits, you need to slice them first. You also need to cut crunchy vegetables, such as carrots, celery, and radishes, into small pieces.

Candy, especially sticky or chewy candy. Chewy or sticky candies can pull off brackets and wires. However, if you can avoid most candy, it’s a good idea to do so, because too much sugar can cause cavities underneath your braces. Your teeth could even become discolored through eating too much sugar.

Steak, corn on the cob, and other hard or chewy foods. You can still eat these foods, but you need to take the corn off the cob and cut your steaks into smaller pieces. Not sure which foods you need to avoid, or how to properly care for your braces? Ask your dental practitioner for help.

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